Belgian Amiga Club - ADF Collection
BS1 part 68.7z
BS1 part 68
InterChange Plus v3.0 (1993-11)(Syndesis)(Disk 2 of 2).7z
InterChange Plus v3.0 (1993-11)(Syndesis)(Disk 2 of 2).adf
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195 lines
; by Simon Jones - Autodesk UK Ltd.
; and Duff Kurland - Autodesk, Inc.
; November, 1986
; Syetem variable save
(defun modes (a)
(setq MLST nil)
(repeat (length a)
(setq MLST (append MLST (list (list (car a) (getvar (car a))))))
(setq a (cdr a)))
; Syetem variable restore
(defun moder ()
(repeat (length MLST)
(setvar (caar MLST) (cadar MLST))
(setq MLST (cdr MLST))
; Convert degrees to radians
(defun dtr (a)
(* pi (/ a 180.0))
; Select all entities added since checkpoint.
(defun selstuff (e)
(setq ss nil) ; Free old selection-set if present
(setq ss (ssadd)) ; Form empty selection-set
(if (null e) ; No previous stuff in drawing?
(setq ss (ssadd (setq e (entnext)) ss)) ; Start with what we drew
(while (setq e (entnext e)) ; Scan until end of drawing
(setq ss (ssadd e ss)) ; Add each entity to selection-set
ss ; Return selection-set
; Draw Spring
(defun spring (/ beta cen cosa deltal deltat e flop j numrseg numtseg
px1 px2 px3 px4
py1 py2 py3 py4
pz1 pz2 pz3 pz4
ss1 ss2 hf hinc totseg arrfac
radl radt sina x xorg yorg zorg)
(initget (+ 1 16)) ; Center point - 3D okay, cannot be null
(setq cen (getpoint "\nSpring center point: "))
(setq radl -1 radt 0)
(while (> radt radl)
(initget 7 "Diameter") ; Radius cannot be zero, neg, or null
(setq radl (getdist cen "\n<Spring radius>/Diameter: "))
(if (= radl "Diameter")
(initget 7) ; Diameter cannot be zero, neg, or null
(setq radl (/ (getdist cen "\nSpring diameter: ") 2.0))
(initget 7 "Diameter") ; Radius cannot be zero, neg, or null
(setq radt (getdist cen "\n<Tube radius>/Diameter: "))
(if (= radt "Diameter")
(initget 7) ; Diameter cannot be zero, neg, or null
(setq radt (/ (getdist cen "\nTube diameter: ") 2.0))
(if (> radt radl)
(prompt "\nTube radius cannot exceed spring radius.")
(setq hf (getdist cen "\nHeight per rotation: ")) ;NEW
(setq #rot (getint "\nNumber of rotations: "))
(while (or (< numrseg 8) (> numrseg 24))
(initget 6) ; Cannot have zero or negative segs
(setq numrseg (getint "\nNumber of radial segments (8-24) <16>: "))
(if (null numrseg)
(setq numrseg 16)
(if (or (< numrseg 8) (> numrseg 24))
(prompt "\nOutside acceptable range.")
(setq hinc (/ hf numrseg)) ;NEW
(setq totseg (* #rot numrseg))
(while (or (< numtseg 8) (> numtseg 24))
(initget 6) ; Cannot have zero or negative segs
(setq numtseg (getint "\nNumber of tube segments (8-24) <16>: "))
(if (null numtseg)
(setq numtseg 16)
(if (or (< numtseg 8) (> numtseg 24))
(prompt "\nOutside acceptable range.")
(setvar "BLIPMODE" 0)
(setq e (entlast) ; Take database checkpoint
cmark (entlast)
deltat (* 2.0 (/ pi numtseg))
deltal (* 2.0 (/ pi numrseg))
cosa (cos deltal)
sina (sin deltal)
xorg (car cen)
yorg (cadr cen)
zorg (caddr cen)
x (+ radl radt)
px1 (+ x xorg)
py1 yorg
pz1 zorg
px2 (+ xorg (* x cosa))
py2 (+ yorg (* x sina))
pz2 (+ pz1 hinc)
(command "3DFACE" (list px1 py1 pz1) (list px2 py2 pz2))
(setq doneface T j 1 flop 0)
(while (<= j numtseg)
(setq beta (* j deltat)
x (+ radl (* radt (cos beta)))
px3 (+ xorg (* x cosa))
py3 (+ yorg (* x sina))
pz3 (+ zorg (* radt (sin beta)) hinc)
px4 (+ xorg x)
py4 yorg
pz4 (- pz3 hinc)
(if (= 1 flop)
(command (list px4 py4 pz4) (list px3 py3 pz3))
(command (list px3 py3 pz3) (list px4 py4 pz4))
(setq flop (- 1 flop) j (+ j 1))
(command "")
(setq ss1 (selstuff e))
(setq ss nil)
(setq arrfac 1)
(while (> numrseg arrfac)
(setq e (entlast))
(command "array" ss1 "" "c" cen (* arrfac (/ 360.0 numrseg)) "2" "y")
(setq ss2 (selstuff e))
(command "move" ss2 "" (list 0.0 0.0 0.0) (list 0.0 0.0 (* hinc arrfac)))
(setq ss2 nil)
(setq arrfac (+ arrfac 1))
(setq ss1 nil)
(setq ss3 (selstuff cmark))
(setq ctr 1)
(while (> #rot ctr)
(command "copy" ss3 "" (list 0 0 0) (list 0 0 (* ctr hf)))
(setq ctr (+ ctr 1))
(setq ss3 nil)
(setq ss nil)
; Main program
(defun C:SPRING (/ doneface olderr ss *error*)
(setq olderr *error* doneface nil)
(defun *error* (s) ; If an error (such as CTRL-C) occurs
; while this command is active...
(if (/= s "Function cancelled")
(princ (strcat "\nError: " s))
(if doneface
(progn ; If we're drawing 3DFACEs...
(command) ; simulate CTRL-C (cancel 3DFACE cmd)
(command "UNDO" "END") ; terminate Undo group
(princ " ...undoing ") ; erase partially-drawn stuff
(command "U")
(moder) ; Restore modified modes
(setq ss nil) ; Free selection-set if any
(setq *error* olderr) ; Restore old *error* handler
(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
(setvar "HIGHLIGHT" 0)